Corporate Responsibility
JSL believes corporate and environmental responsibility is essential to sustainable business operations in a healthy and sustainable society. Our goals and objectives encompass three key areas:
Business Ethics
Honesty, Integrity, Responsibility, Excellence and Diversity are key words that describe JSL’s operations both on the management and consulting levels. We take pride in meeting high standards when it comes to presenting quality solutions, maintaining confidential information, and delivering topnotch service. Our consultants represent a broad range of backgrounds and nationalities and give JSL high accolades as an employer. In keeping our clients’ best interests in mind, we continuously seek ways to provide more value in our services.
Community Involvement
Headquartered in Hudson NY, two hours north of New York City, JSL contributes consistently to its community. The City of Hudson, founded by Henry Hudson in 1609, and once a vibrant center for trade, manufacturing and shipping, fell on difficult economic times during the last quarter of the 20th century. Since 2000, Hudson has been growing and attracting new business and residents. To help support sustainable community growth, JSL takes an active role in supporting numerous charitable organizations ranging from arts and historic preservation organizations, social and healthcare services, libraries and education, and the local fire department.
Environmental Preservation
Energy conservation and reducing our carbon footprint is an important objective across all levels of our company. We recycle everything that can be recycled. We minimize printing, eliminate bottled water and plastic waste, purchase energy star products, and religiously keep electricity and heating use under check and control. JSL purchases energy (electric and natural gas) from National Grid, an organization that meets the guidelines of the World Resources Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative and has set a robust baseline to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions.